Side Cart For WooCommerce Manage your cart from just a click away with an interactive design. Allows customer to update & delete items from anywhere on your site.
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Features Free Premium
Add to cart without refresh
Basket shortcode
Update quantity
Show tax, discount, shipping and shipping calculator.
Rewards and checkpoints on Progress bar. ( Free gifts and free shipping )
Apply and display coupons
Cross-Sells / Up-Sells / Related Products
Fly to cart animation
Show notifications on add/update/delete item
One Click Paypal & Amazon pay checkout
Custom basket image
Additional styling options
  • How to install?
    1. Download the plugin from your account
    2. Go to your wordpress dashboard -> Plugins -> Add new plugin
    3. Upload downloaded file & activate the plugin.
  • Do I need to renew license everytime?
    The license includes 1 year updates. To continue receiving updates, you need to renew it annually. If you don't renew, you can still use the plugin without any restrictions.
  • Documentation
Version 2.5
Initial release 24 Apr, 17
Wordpress version required 3.0.1+
Wordpress version tested upto 6.5.5
Last updated 23 May, 24
Technical Details
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